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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fluffy Fruit Salad!

Now that the warmer weather has rolled in, here is a great recipe to try. It is also a delicious, inexpensive dish to take to those summer cookouts!

Fluffy Fruit Salad can be made according to what fruits you and your family enjoy and the fruit portion of this recipe can be purchased with your WIC vouchers!

What you will need:
  • Canned fruit of your choice (usually 4-5 cans)
  • Fat-free or sugar-free Cool Whip (1-2 containers)
  • 1 bag of mini marshmallows

I will let you know what I do and then you can substitute any fruit you prefer.

1. You want to start out with a colander in the sink so you can drain all the excess syrup and water off.
2. I usually combine 1 can of pineapple, 1 can of fruit cocktail, 1 or 2 cans of peaches, 2 cans of Mandarin oranges and occasionally cut up grapes if I have them on hand, into the colander. (the number of cans you will need will depend on how many servings you want). Rinse if desired to remove excess sugar.
3. Let the fruit drain for about 30 mins, frequently stirring the fruit around to drain all liquid possible.
4. In the meantime be sure your Cool Whip is thawed and ready to add. I will buy the sugar- free Cool Whip or the fat-free Cool Whip as opposed to the regular Cool Whip, there is no taste difference! The number of containers of Cool Whip you will need depends on your servings of fruit. I only need one for the amount I make.
4. After your fruit is fully drained, in a large bowl combine your fruit with your container(s) of Cool Whip.
5. Stir until Cool Whip is throughout
6. Add desired amount of mini marshmallows to mixture
7. This dish can be eaten at room temperature immediately, but is delicious chilled! Remember.. Cool Whip contains milk so this dish will need to be refrigeratored if not eaten right away.

*Keep in mind when storing in refrigerator for longer than 24-48 hours, the fruit may pool juice in the bottom of the bowl, just pour off excess juice and serve. Also, the marshmallows may get soggy during this time period so plan accordingly.

This dish makes a great dessert or snack during the day! Enjoy!

Christy Redmond, Nutritionist

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