The next part of the plate supplies a lot of nutritients including: Vitamins B & E, Iron, Zinc and Magnesium. What could it be?
What is a protein?
All foods made from meat, poultry, seafood, beans, peas, eggs, processed soy products, nuts and seeds are all considered part of the protein group. Please note that beans and peas are also part of the vegetable group. Starting April 1st on your WIC vouchers you will get a choice of dried or canned beans! You can also have a choice of peanut butter!
How much do I need?
This depends on your age, gender and your activity level. Click here to find out exactly how much you need. Most Americans actually get enough protein, but need to choose leaner meats.
What counts as a serving?
In general, one ounce of meat, poultry or fish, 1/4 cup cooked beans, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon or 1/2 ounce of nuts counts as one ounce in the protein food group. Click here for more examples.
Why do I need protein?
Eating protein provide nutrients that are important for your health and maintenance for your overall body. Protein functions as building blocks for bones, muscles, skin and blood. As well as building blocks for enzymes, hormones and vitamins. B vitamins are also found in this food group and release energy, playing a vital role in the nervous system. Iron is also found in a lot of protein products. Having the correct iron levels is important because iron carries oxygen in the blood. It is important for all populations to eat heme-iron (meats) and non-heme iron foods with Vitamins C, especially women of child bearing age.
Tips for making smart choices:
Go Lean! Trim away any extra fat from meat and poultry before cooking. Broil, grill, roast or bake your meats instead of frying. Drain off any extra fat that may appear after cooking. Stay away from extra sauces or gravies.
Megan Mauer, Nutritionist
Go Lean! Trim away any extra fat from meat and poultry before cooking. Broil, grill, roast or bake your meats instead of frying. Drain off any extra fat that may appear after cooking. Stay away from extra sauces or gravies.
Variety, Variety, Variety! There are so many choices you can make when it comes to protein. Try some fish such as salom or trout. Make beans or soy products the main dish try bean burrito, beans and rice, lentil soup or hummus!
Check the label. We want to limit our sodium intake as much as possible. Be sure to check the sodium on processed meats such as hotdogs. Meats can also be bought lean, when possible select the leaner meats for less saturated fat.
Remember to try a variety of new foods from the protein group each week! Make it fun for the whole family and get your kids involved with picking out the protein at your next meal!
Megan Mauer, Nutritionist
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