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Friday, March 9, 2012

Changes coming in 2012!

This spring some of the foods you can purchase with your WIC benefits will change. If the following foods are listed on your WIC food instrument, here are some changes you should be aware of:

BABY FOOD: You will be able to buy any brand of baby food that matches the container size listed on your food instrument.

BEANS: You will be able to buy any brand of single ingredient canned (14-16oz.) or dry (16oz.) beans, peas or lentils starting APRIL 1, 2012!

CEREAL: New adult cereal choices will be allowed (12oz.)

CHEESE: Kraft Deli Deluxe Reduced Fat sliced cheese will no longer be allowed.

FROZEN JUICE: New frozen juice brands will be allowed (12oz.)

LIQUID JUICE: New liquid juice brands will be allowed (64oz.). Cranberry juice will no longer be allowed.

SOY MILK: A new container size (32oz.) of 8th Continent Soymilk Original and Vanilla will also be allowed.

WHOLE GRAINS: New whole wheat bread brands, wheat and corn tortilla brands will be allowed.

We will continue to update you on any new foods and when they will become available. If you have questions please contact your local WIC office. In the meantime, keep a lookout for the canned beans option available to you starting APRIL 1, 2012!

In addition, coming this year will be the redesign of the "WIC DESIGNATED" sticker you normally see around the allowable foods you can purchase with your vouchers.

We will let everyone know when to start looking for the "new" stickers. For now, nothing has changed so keep looking for the yellow and red WIC DESIGNATED ("old") sticker.

Finally, in addition to your new Approved Food List you will be receiving, if you have a child that is drinking formula or Pediasure, you will be given a pamphlet detailing what formulas are approved, along with a picture to better show you what you are looking for once you get into the store. Below is a picture similar to what you will recieve.

We will let you know more information about all of these changes once we know! Check back frequently for updates and news!

-Christy Redmond, Nutritionist

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