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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fantastic Fiber

Gotta go but can't?

Constipation is a common problem in both children and pregnant women.  Although the cause of the problem may be different depending on the individual, adding fiber, water and physical activity to the equation can usually help.


  • How does it help?
There are two types of fiber and they both aid in digestion.  There is soluble fiber that absorbs water, which helps to soften stool.  This is also the type of fiber that helps you to stay feeling full.  Then there is insoluble fiber that helps with adding bulk to stool which helps things to move along more quickly. You want to make sure you're adding fiber to your (child's) diet slowly, to prevent any uncomfortable side effects like gassiness and bloating.
  • Where to find it:                                    
Fruits, dried fruits, vegatables, beans, peas, lentils, bran and whole grains are all great sources of fiber.  Keep in mind that fruits and vegetables provide more fiber when you leave the skin on and when they are not cooked. Try apples or celery with peanut butter for a snack with fiber that is fun to eat.


Drinking water everyday is always important.  Adding fiber to your diet makes this even more important.  Drink plenty of water to make sure you are staying hydrated and keeping everything balanced in your body.  Offer your child water between meals as opposed to other drinks.


Moving your body as another factor that keeps your digestive system healthy.  Make sure you're moving your body everyday whether it's by dancing, jumping rope, or or going for a walk. 

 -Valerie Marcellus, Nutritionist

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