BUSTED! Your milk supply is not affected at all by what you eat or drink. Breastfeeding works based on supply and demand, so the only way to increase your milk supply is to breastfeed more!
Myth #5: If I get sick, I should stop breastfeeding my baby until I feel better.
BUSTED! For almost every illness, it is fine to continue breastfeeding. Your baby will actually benefit from that breastmilk because she will receive all of the antibodies that you make while you are sick. Check with your doctor to be on the safe side.
Myth #7: If I smoke, I shouldn't breastfeed.
BUSTED! If you are going to smoke, it is BETTER to breastfeed than to formula feed.
BUSTED! Formula is harder for your baby's tummy to digest, so she might not have to eat as often if she eats formula. Breastmilk is digested quickly because it is very easy on your baby's tummy, so she will probably be hungry again faster if she eats breastmilk. This is a good thing! It doesn't mean she is more satisfied with the formula. Breastmilk causes less constipation and upset stomach because it is so easy for babies to digest.
BUSTED! Most women are able to produce more than enough milk for their babies. Most babies that gain too slowly, or lose weight, do so not because the mother does not have enough milk, but because the baby does not get the milk that the mother has. This usually happens when the baby is poorly latched to the breast, which can be fixed very quickly and easily. If you are having this problem, please call your WIC peer counselor and she will be happy to help you!
-Sarah Robertson, Nutritionist and Breastfeeding Coordiator