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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fabulous Fruits and Vegetables

Right now in Virginia we are entering the best time of the year for fresh fruits and vegetables! Many of our favorite fruits and vegetables are at their cheapest and most flavorful in the summertime. You may even be lucky enough to have a farmer's market nearby where you can get the freshest, cheapest produce!

Nutritionists always talk about the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. But I want you to eat fruits and vegetables because they taste good, not because they are good for you! Some fruits and vegetables taste good all on their own (I love cherries, peaches, and tomatoes all by themselves) Others need a little help to taste good to us. Don't be afraid to add a little butter, salt, salad dressings, seasonings, etc to your favorite fruits or vegetables. There is no virtue in forcing yourself to eat something you don't like because it is "good for you". People who force themselves to eat food they don't like end up eating less healthy foods (strange, isn't it?!)

How do plain carrot sticks sound? What about plain steamed broccoli and cauliflower? How about boiled greens? Not very appealing, huh?

How do carrot sticks with ranch dressing sound? How about broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce? What about steamed greens with garlic, olive oil, and lemon? You and your family will eat more fruits and vegetables if you actually enjoy eating them!

"But what if my child does not like fruits and vegetables?!" We hear this all the time, believe me. Stay tuned for suggestions for increasing your child's fruit and vegetable intake.

- Allison Leonard RD

Above photo is from freefoto.com

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