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Friday, June 3, 2011

Some recent changes in the grocery stores!

As some of you may be noticing, some brand changes have taken place in a few of our local grocery stores. Here is a quick run down of the changes. Be on the lookout during your shopping trips if any of these stores are ones you enjoy shopping at!

Food Lion/ Bottom Dollar/ Bloom have changed their milk brand from Smart Options/ Food Lion to "My Essentials"

Shoppers will be changing their "WIC Designated" brand from Richfood to "Everyday Essentials". This includes breakfast cereals, frozen juices and liquid juices.

Farm Fresh stores will be changing their "WIC Designated" brand from Richfood to "Everyday Essentials". This includes breakfast cereals, frozen juices and liquid juices. (Farm Fresh stores and Shoppers are owned by the same corporation)

Giant Food Stores will be changing their "WIC Designated" brand from the word "Giant" to bird like symbol. This change affects all products.

None of these changes will affect your WIC checks, just new brand changes to be on the lookout for when shopping!

Feel free to call your local WIC office with any questions regarding these changes!

-Christy Redmond

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