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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cheese please!

Cheese comes in all shapes, sizes, textures and flavors. There are so many different kinds of cheeses it can be overwhelming! Cheese can be a great addition to a meal or just fine by itself as a snack, but in moderation. Cheese contains the calcium and vitamin D, as well as other vitamins, however the fat content is usually high. Always choose a reduced-fat or low-fat cheese. Here are some ways to add cheese into your daily meal plan:

1. Cheese and crackers. Who doesn't love this?


2.  Add shredded cheese to....anything! Soups, tacos, beans & rice, meats...there are tons of options!


3. Pizza. Add some veggies or pineapple to the top!


4.  Several casseroles, quiches, frittatas, and baked meals like ziti, lasagna, spaghetti.

        Spinach Frittata (photo)  Mushroom Quiche (photo)  Baked Ziti (photo)
              Spinach frittata                           Quiche                                     Baked Ziti

5. Macaroni and cheese please!

Your options are endless with cheese! Explore and find your favorite!

Christy Redmond
Nutritionist Sr.

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