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Thursday, August 30, 2012

In Season Now: Peppers

Did you know that one cup of bell peppers has more vitamin C than one cup of oranges? I know it sounds crazy but it is true. One cup of bell peppers has 195.8% of your recommended daily value for vitamin C where one cup of oranges contain 116.1% of the daily value for vitamin C.

When most people think of vitamin C they immediately think of oranges or other citrus fruits but peppers are a great source of vitamin C. If you have low iron, it helps to combine any food containing iron with a food containing vitamin C to increase your absorption of iron. Stuffed peppers anyone?

Hot peppers are also in season now. If you enjoy hot peppers you also enjoy a great source of a phytonutrient called "capsaicin" which is what gives hot peppers their "heat". There has been alot of reasearch that suggest that capsaicin has many health benefits such as anti cancer properties.


Be sure to enjoy this Summer food while they last!

- Allison Leonard RD

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