WIC is an Equal Opportunity Program. If you believe that you have been discriminated against due to race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Having Trouble Finding a WIC Item at the Store?

One of the great things about WIC is the great variety of foods you can get between your food instruments and the fruit and vegetable vouchers.

There are over 60 cereals to choose from, more than 10 different cheeses, and almost the entire produce section. However, the foods you are able to purchase depend on where you do your grocery shopping.

Different stores carry different brands as well as a different variety of WIC approved foods. For example: you receive the whole grain check that gives you the option of whole wheat bread, corn tortillas, whole wheat tortillas, or brown rice. Even though there are four foods to choose from, stores are only required to carry one of these four foods... So one store may only carry bread and tortillas, while another store may only carry rice with no bread or tortillas, while a third store may have you all four to choose from. This doesn't make one store better than another. It just means that different stores just carry a different variety.

I know it can be a little tricky, but the best thing to do if you're not finding what you need is to explore different stores so that you find one with the items you are looking for. If you are having trouble finding a certain item at your local grocery store, you can use the link below to see which stores stock that item. Happy Shopping!

Valerie Marcellus, Nutritionist

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