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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Is She Still Hungry?

Crying. Babies are known for crying, and as we know, not every cry is a hungry cry.

Although crying is a sign of hunger, it is a late sign of hunger. Babies may not be able to tell us exactly what they want using words, but they do give us signs if we pay close attention.

Signs that your baby is hungry:
-Sucks on fist or licks lips
-Opens mouth while feeding
-Turning his head and opening her mouth to search for food-- the rooting reflex
-Increase in body movement such as rapid eye moment, and stretching

The same way babies let us know when they are hungry, they also give us signs when they are finished eating.

Signs that your baby has had enough to eat:
-Seals lips together
-Turns head away
-Decreases or stops sucking
-Pays more attention to surroundings, not interested in food anymore
-Spits out nipple

It's important to follow your baby's lead when it comes to feeding because babies are very good (much better that adults) at knowing when they are full and when to stop eating. By allowing them to be in control of how much food they are taking in, you are helping them learn to listen to their bodies and setting them up to have a healthy relationship with food.

Valerie Marcellus, Nutritionist

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