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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Disaster foods!

The last couple of weeks have been a little crazy! I wanted to give you a few helpful tips, should any of the recent events (hurricane, earthquake, etc), happen again. Before the hurricane many of you probably went shopping and used your checks to stock up on various foods so there would be no last minute running to the store in all that bad weather! Here are some different disaster foods you can make using your WIC foods.

1. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches or plain peanut butter sandwiches on your delicious whole wheat bread or your whole wheat tortillas!

2. Different varieties of cereal to provide some snacks or breakfast in the morning. Careful with your milk if the power is out. It may have gone bad! But keep in mind dry cereals make awesome snacks!

3. Keep that liquid juice on hand, it does not have to be refrigerated! 4 ounces of juice and some dry cereal make a delish snack option!

4. If you have a handy can opener that is not electronic, you can buy the canned fruits and make those for snacks or breakfast as well!

5. Don't forget! Fresh fruits and veggies are a great option when the power is out! You can dip fresh celery or apple slices into that peanut butter, crunchy or creamy, for a great meal or snack!

6. Adding a salad with some of those fresh veggies can complete a meal! If you have oil and vinegar on hand, neither need to be kept cold and will dress up a salad nicely!

Remember to stock up on plenty of water!

Have questions? Refer to http://www.cdc.gov/ for food safety tips!

Stay safe!

Christy Redmond- Nutritionist

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