Everyone feels like curling up on the couch on a rainy day with a nice warm cup of coffee or soup and a good book or TV show. If the rain has you feeling like a bit of a couch potato and you do not feel up to cooking a big meal, here are a couple super easy, delish meals that will be sure to warm you to the bone!
Meal #1. Chicken Noodle Soup
There are so many different ways to make Chicken Noodle Soup. You may have Mom's recipe that she used to make you when you were sick or maybe you just want to use what you already have at home. Go ahead and whip out whatever sounds good to put into your soup.
I would recommend to have:
Chicken broth
Whole wheat pasta or egg noodles
Salt & pepper
Fresh or frozen sliced carrots
Some people may add rice, peas, or another variety of veggies. The best part about this soup is you can add whatever veggies, spices or flavoring you would like.
Meal #2. Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Grilled cheese and tomato soup are another great way to get some veggies, whole grain and dairy into your diet. This super easy meal takes about 10 minutes and requires only a few ingredients.
I would recommend to have:
Whole wheat bread
Sliced cheese (any variety)
Tomato soup
Take your slices of whole wheat bread and butter the outside of the bread. You do not need alot of butter, just a couple swipes to cover the bread in a very thin layer (usually we would be putting peanut butter, jelly, mustard, mayo, etc. on the inside of the bread, but this time we are buttering the outside). Lay the buttered side of one piece of bread, butter side down on your skillet pan that is on medium heat and sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Take 1 slice of cheese and lay it on the bread (just like a sandwich). Then place your second buttered slice of bread facing butter side up on your cheese. Now, while that is grilling, take your can of tomato soup (any brand will be fine) and dump it into your pot. Turn on medium heat. You will have to multitask now! Go ahead and flip your grilled cheese over using a spatula or fork, the side that has been cooking should be a slight golden brown color. Go back to your tomato soup and give it a nice stir so nothing is sticking to the bottom of the pot. Continue to flip your sandwich until it is cooked to your liking. When your soup is warm enough, serve it up with your grilled cheese. Mmm!
Enjoy! Stay warm and dry!
Christy Redmond
Nutritionist Senior
When your soup is warm enough, serve it up with your grilled cheese.