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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Destination:Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating Tips While Traveling 

You some how managed to pack all the suitcases perfectly into the trunk, the kids are buckled in their seats with smiles on their faces and the car is full of gas, it's beach time! It's 9 am, the family already ate breakfast and you know you'll have to stop sometime before noon for snacks and a break. Where should you stop?

Sometimes the biggest challenge when it comes to travel isn't entertaining the kids in the car, but actually planning each meal. Of course it's easy to stop at the nearest fast-food outlet, but traveling doesn't have to mean you throw all your healthy practices away. Not to mention all the extra cash you're going to spend each time you stop.

Consider some of these simple and healthy tips before planning your next trip!
  • The night before: designate 2 coolers; one for water and one for snacks that need to be chilled such as cheese,yogurt and fresh fruits. Using reusable water bottles can be less expensive and less messy when it comes trash in the car. Fill up the water bottle each time you stop. Fill a small bag full of napkins, plastic utensils and a few extra plastic bags for trash.
  • The morning of: pack the coolers with the water and the chilled snacks. Use ice or ice packs to keep the items chilled during the car trip.
  • Healthy road foods
    • sliced and cleaned raw fruits and veggies such as carrots, grapes, strawberries, grape tomatoes and apples.
    • string cheese
    • crackers
    • popcorn  (pop the night before)
    • whole grain bagels and cream cheese (using plastic utensils)
    • yogurt in tubes
    • small sandwiches made with lean deli meats and hummus, cut into mini sandwiches
  • Remember to stop, every few hours for a restroom break and a nice long stretch. This is a great time to fill up those water bottles and throw away any trash.
  • Plan ahead how long your trip will take. Think about when you would normally eat snacks and meals and try to stick to that schedule as close as possible.
  • Pack extra snacks and water, there may be traffic!
Following a few or all of these tips can help you stay on track when it comes to your diet and your budget!

Safe travels from the Rappahannock WIC Staff!

Megan Mauer, Nutritionist

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