It's that time again, folks! World Breastfeeding Week 2011 is August 1-7. The theme this year is Talk to Me. Breastfeeding , a 3-D Experience. This theme is meant to encourage us to think outside the box when it comes to the way we view breastfeeding. We want to spread the word across all cultures, genders, and ages about the great benefits of breastfeeding! To celebrate, the Rappahannock Area Health District will be holding our baby shower (details here) on August 5th. We hope that all you breastfeeding moms out there will celebrate too!
The purpose of this blog is to share information with our WIC participants. We will be posting our upcoming events, recipes, health tips, and any changes to our program. If there is anything you would like to see on this blog, please send us an email.
WIC is an Equal Opportunity Program. If you believe that you have been discriminated against due to race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Ready to POP!
We will be having our next Breastfeeding Baby Shower on August 5th at 10:30 am at the Fredericksburg Health Department! To RSVP for this event, please call ZaKia Wichowski, one of our breastfeeding peer counselors, at (540) 220-2837, or you can email her your RSVP. We hope to see you there!
Baby Shower,
Ready to Pop
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Stay healthy in the heat with water!

The Fredericksburg Area will be seeing some hot temperatures this coming week! It is important to try to stay cool and stay hydrated, especially for small children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
One important step to staying safe in the heat is making sure to drink enough fluids! But not just any fluids, good old fashioned water is the best. You want to drink enough fluids so that your urine is pale yellow or clear. Any darker and you need to drink up!
Juice and other drinks with alot of sugar can actually make you feel worse in the heat. Drinks with caffeine (tea, coffee, sodas, energy drinks) and alcohol can dehydrate you even more. If you or your children do not like to drink water, try some of these tips:
- Some people like water better if it is "ice cold". Keep a pitcher of tap water in the refrigerator to have good, cold water all the time.
- Do not worry about buying bottled water unless you know for a fact that you have water that is unsafe to drink. There are no studies which show bottled water is safer or healthier than tap water. In fact, one study showed that there was no difference at all! Most people in the area have public water which is safe to drink. If you do not like the taste, consider buying a pitcher which filters the water (like Brita). If you regularly buy bottled water, a filter can save you lots of money in the long run.
- Carry around a reusable water bottle and refill it several times a day. Let children have a sippy cup or water bottle with water only in it (children should not carry around a sippy cup with milk or juice in it because they can get tooth decay).
- Get the family used to drinking water when they are thirsty by allowing milk, juice, or other drinks at the table with food only. Water only in between times for heatlhy teeth and bodies!
- Put a lemon, lime, or orange slice in your water for flavor and to make it feel "special".
- Keep sodas, punches, kool aid, and juice boxes for special occassions or parties and drink mostly water for thirst. You will save alot of money over the long run!
** Special note: Infants under the age of one do not need alot of water until they are eating mostly solid foods. Infants get plenty of fluids from breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Take care to keep your baby in the shade and breastfeed or bottle feed on demand (whenever your baby shows you he is hungry)**
Photo is from Allison Leonard RD
drinking water,
nutrition tips
Monday, July 11, 2011
Changes to Special Formulas
In the next few weeks and through the next few months, there will be changes to a few of the WIC approved special formulas.
Vital Jr.
-Change scheduled for mid July
-Same formula, new name. Vital Jr. will be changing its name to PediaSure Peptide.
- Beginning August 1st, there will be an EleCare (prescribed for infants) and an EleCare Jr. (prescribed for children over the age of one). Also, there will be slight changes to the current formula to better meet the nutritional needs of infants and toddlers.
-As of October 1st, Neocate will be discontinued and Neocate DHA/ARA can be used as a replacement.
If your infant or toddler uses any of the above WIC approved formulas, you will need to bring in a new form for special formula from your child's doctor.
Images courtesy of
Friday, July 1, 2011
So what do I do when I get to the store to use my WIC checks??
So now you have left you local WIC office with your new what?
Sometimes using your checks at the grocery store can be pretty confusing and a little intimidating, have no fear, I can help you navigate through the store with ease!
A few recommendations before you head to the store:
- Be sure the store you are planning to shop at allows WIC checks
- If you have multiple sets of checks for more than one person/child, I would recommend to separate them by family member, that way you can see more clearly which checks you would like to spend and which ones you want to leave at home.
- Check all the dates of your WIC checks. Sometimes you may be given a check that you only have 1 day to use, so you want to make sure it does not expire before you notice.
- Only take to the store the checks you are planning to use. Leave the rest of your checks at home just so they are safe. Remember... they are very valuable just like cash!
-Be sure to take your WIC folder with you to the store. The cashier will need it.
-Be sure to have your Approved Food List (inside your folder) easily accessible so you know which foods you are allowed/not allowed to get with your checks. It is very important to look through and be familiar with the "Approved Food List" (AFL)before you head to the store!
Okay so now you are at your grocery store...
If you are unsure if the grocery store accepts WIC checks and you have not called ahead to ask, check the door and there will be a small decal (usually green in color) that will say "We Accept WIC Checks", then you will know your in the right place! Also, keep in mind you will be looking for the "Virginia WIC Approved" stickers or stickers saying "WIC Designated". Some stores such as Giant have their own approved label you will be looking for. When shopping at Giant, you will be looking at the sticker containing the price for the word "WIC" written about the size of a chocolate chip. At certain Walmart locations you will be looking for a tiny "W" written next to the price of the item. Both are easy to see once you have spotted them next to the item's price.
So...when you get into the store. Pick a place to start shopping. Lets say you start in the dairy section. You will be looking at the milk, cheese and eggs.
Starting with the milk- First, look for your WIC labels on the shelf. On your WIC checks, it will state specifically the quantity, size and type of milk allowed. If your child is 1 year old, you will be looking for the whole milk either gallon or quart size- whichever your check says. If you are pregnant, postpartum or have a child over the age of 2 you will be looking for either skim, 1%, and 2%. It will be the store designated brand of milk. The lactose free or lactose reduced milk and soy milk are available as well, but some stores may not carry those types so check ahead of time. If available, your check will state the specific amount allowable.
Now onto the cheese- you look on your check and it states "cheese" but you may ask what kind of cheese?? That is where your "Approved Food List" (AFL) comes in handy! Open it up and in the center you will find all the allowable/ not allowable cheese types. Again it will be the store designated brand, regular or reduced- fat cheese and will always be blocked or sliced cheese. Be sure to buy the right size too! 16oz (1lb) is the only size allowed in both blocked and sliced! Different stores will carry different types of cheese. If your store does not have the type of cheese you like, check other stores. (Example: your store only has Cheddar, but you want Swiss, check another store out!)
Okay luckily the eggs are super easy. You will be looking for any brand one dozen carton only large, grade A, white eggs. The eggs will not have a WIC Approved sticker, but they are not hard to spot.
So moving onto your...lets say frozen juice (some participants may have frozen juice, some may have shelf stable juice..)
Once you find the frozen juice you will be looking for a 12oz can, 100% single flavored juice. Flip to the very back of your Approved Food List and you will see the WIC Designated and Selective brands. Most stores will carry the orange juice, but you will have another option such as apple, grapefruit, or grape depending on what the store stocks.
So now lets move onto the regular shelf stable juice. On the same page of your AFL you will see all of the options for the juice. Stores will have tomato, grapefruit, orange, cranberry or grape. They may also have apple, but do not have to stock the apple. Be sure to look for your sticker to make things easier!
Okay now we have walked into the cereal aisle. Flip open your AFL and wow are there are alot of cereals to choose from! Okay relax look for your sticker and select any of the available types of cereals. You will be looking for the generic brand. (Example: Rice Krispies is not allowed but Crispy Rice is.) At the bottom of your AFL you will see how many ways you can make 36 oz. in case you want to buy more than one kind or if you cant find a 36 oz box of cereal. Follow the quantity stated on the check. Remember think healthy! No Cocoa Krispies! =)
Oh and keep in mind you can also get hot cereal (oatmeal or farina) instead of cold cereal if the store makes it available for you. They are not required to carry it, but some stores do, so check it out if that's something you like!
For our breasfeeding moms who recieve the tuna/salmon option. Refer to the AFL for what specifically you will get and how much of either.
Alright lets talk about that whole grain check. With your whole grain check you will be able to get whole grain bread, corn tortillas, whole wheat tortillas OR brown rice. So you will be getting 1 of the 4 choices. If you want to get the bread, check your AFL for your appropriate size (160z) and brand of bread allowed. If you choose brown rice, it will be any brand. The store will choose which brand you will be able to get. As for the tortillas (corn and whole wheat) make sure to check the AFL for the brands. The whole wheat tortillas may not be listed on the AFL, they will be listed in the insert that should be in your folder of new foods added March 1, 2011.
Look for the labels! Also keep in mind the stores only need to provide 1 of the 4 choices. So again if what they provide is not what you want, try to use that check at another store that may have the product you want.
Peanut butter or beans? That is the question. So your Nutritionist asked you at your WIC appointment if you want peanut butter or beans on your checks. So depending on what you chose, you will be looking for store brand chunky, crunchy, creamy or extra crunchy 18oz jar of peanut butter or any 1 lb bag or dry beans, peas or lentils. The store will have labels all the different types you can get. Refer to your AFL for help!
Not bad so far right??
Okay so what about the wonderful fruit and veggie cash voucher?! Be sure to check out the amount listed on your check and you will need to do a little bit of math! With your fruit and veggie voucher you can buy any FRESH, CANNED, or FROZEN fruits and veggies, EXCEPT white potatoes or anything with white potatoes in it. The canned items and frozen items will have the sticker labels on them, however in the produce section for the fresh items, there will not be the WIC Approved labels. Just know its any fresh fruits and veggies you want. So you think, how do I need to use math? Well.. you will need to be adding up the value of your items as you pick them. Say you have $5 to spend on the voucher... you need to pick about $5 worth of fruits or veggies, but its hard to get exactly $5 worth so we recommend you go just a little over to make sure you get to use the whole thing. Normally, your cashier will let you pay the difference in cash or food stamps. This may be a little confusing the first time, but hang in there!
This next part is only for moms who have a child under the age of one.
Formula, baby foods and cereals.
Okay you may have to hunt around for the cans of formula. They may be at the front of the store, they may be with the baby items in the aisles or they may be at the customer service counter. Again, follow the quantity allowed on your checks. If formula is something you would like to get all at once and stock up on, you can do that. Keep in mind stores are only required to carry the Similac Advance (blue can) formula and Similac Isomil Soy (red can) formula. Most stores also carry the Similac Sensitive (orange can), but may not have enough for you to buy all at once.
If your baby is 6 months or older you will be looking for baby foods and baby cereals now. These will be in the baby aisle with diapers and baby goods. The baby food brand and size will be specified on your check. This can be a little tricky so refer to the NOT ALLOWED section of the AFL and read the jar closely to be sure you are getting the right kind! The baby cereals are very easy. Either rice cereal or oatmeal, 8oz box only. These will be labeled with the WIC Approved labels too.
If your baby needs Similac Alimentum or Enfamil Nutramigen or if your child needs Pediasure be sure the check value does not exceed $125.00. The cashier or store manager can help if this is confusing.
So now your cart is full of WIC items and all the other groceries you are purchasing and you are ready to check out. Make sure you select a checkout lane that is NOT an express lane. Place your WIC items on the belt first and for an easier checkout, group your foods according to each check . Then simply lay the check on top of that particular group of food that matches the check. As your cashier scans your items, they will place a total at the bottom of your WIC check(s). ONLY AFTER they have placed the total, do you sign on the bottom line. Pre-signed checks can be stolen and used.
Place all of your other items you are purchasing behind your WIC foods. The cashier should ask for your WIC folder. When the cashier gives your folder back to you, be sure to put it in a safe place and not leave it at the store. Should you lose your WIC folder, contact your local WIC office immediately.
Now your groceries are bagged and you are ready to go!
If you have any problems or concerns please call your local WIC office for help!
-Christy Redmond
Sometimes using your checks at the grocery store can be pretty confusing and a little intimidating, have no fear, I can help you navigate through the store with ease!
A few recommendations before you head to the store:
- Be sure the store you are planning to shop at allows WIC checks
- If you have multiple sets of checks for more than one person/child, I would recommend to separate them by family member, that way you can see more clearly which checks you would like to spend and which ones you want to leave at home.
- Check all the dates of your WIC checks. Sometimes you may be given a check that you only have 1 day to use, so you want to make sure it does not expire before you notice.
- Only take to the store the checks you are planning to use. Leave the rest of your checks at home just so they are safe. Remember... they are very valuable just like cash!
-Be sure to take your WIC folder with you to the store. The cashier will need it.
-Be sure to have your Approved Food List (inside your folder) easily accessible so you know which foods you are allowed/not allowed to get with your checks. It is very important to look through and be familiar with the "Approved Food List" (AFL)before you head to the store!
Okay so now you are at your grocery store...
If you are unsure if the grocery store accepts WIC checks and you have not called ahead to ask, check the door and there will be a small decal (usually green in color) that will say "We Accept WIC Checks", then you will know your in the right place! Also, keep in mind you will be looking for the "Virginia WIC Approved" stickers or stickers saying "WIC Designated". Some stores such as Giant have their own approved label you will be looking for. When shopping at Giant, you will be looking at the sticker containing the price for the word "WIC" written about the size of a chocolate chip. At certain Walmart locations you will be looking for a tiny "W" written next to the price of the item. Both are easy to see once you have spotted them next to the item's price.
So...when you get into the store. Pick a place to start shopping. Lets say you start in the dairy section. You will be looking at the milk, cheese and eggs.
Starting with the milk- First, look for your WIC labels on the shelf. On your WIC checks, it will state specifically the quantity, size and type of milk allowed. If your child is 1 year old, you will be looking for the whole milk either gallon or quart size- whichever your check says. If you are pregnant, postpartum or have a child over the age of 2 you will be looking for either skim, 1%, and 2%. It will be the store designated brand of milk. The lactose free or lactose reduced milk and soy milk are available as well, but some stores may not carry those types so check ahead of time. If available, your check will state the specific amount allowable.
Now onto the cheese- you look on your check and it states "cheese" but you may ask what kind of cheese?? That is where your "Approved Food List" (AFL) comes in handy! Open it up and in the center you will find all the allowable/ not allowable cheese types. Again it will be the store designated brand, regular or reduced- fat cheese and will always be blocked or sliced cheese. Be sure to buy the right size too! 16oz (1lb) is the only size allowed in both blocked and sliced! Different stores will carry different types of cheese. If your store does not have the type of cheese you like, check other stores. (Example: your store only has Cheddar, but you want Swiss, check another store out!)
Okay luckily the eggs are super easy. You will be looking for any brand one dozen carton only large, grade A, white eggs. The eggs will not have a WIC Approved sticker, but they are not hard to spot.
So moving onto your...lets say frozen juice (some participants may have frozen juice, some may have shelf stable juice..)
Once you find the frozen juice you will be looking for a 12oz can, 100% single flavored juice. Flip to the very back of your Approved Food List and you will see the WIC Designated and Selective brands. Most stores will carry the orange juice, but you will have another option such as apple, grapefruit, or grape depending on what the store stocks.
So now lets move onto the regular shelf stable juice. On the same page of your AFL you will see all of the options for the juice. Stores will have tomato, grapefruit, orange, cranberry or grape. They may also have apple, but do not have to stock the apple. Be sure to look for your sticker to make things easier!
Okay now we have walked into the cereal aisle. Flip open your AFL and wow are there are alot of cereals to choose from! Okay relax look for your sticker and select any of the available types of cereals. You will be looking for the generic brand. (Example: Rice Krispies is not allowed but Crispy Rice is.) At the bottom of your AFL you will see how many ways you can make 36 oz. in case you want to buy more than one kind or if you cant find a 36 oz box of cereal. Follow the quantity stated on the check. Remember think healthy! No Cocoa Krispies! =)
Oh and keep in mind you can also get hot cereal (oatmeal or farina) instead of cold cereal if the store makes it available for you. They are not required to carry it, but some stores do, so check it out if that's something you like!
For our breasfeeding moms who recieve the tuna/salmon option. Refer to the AFL for what specifically you will get and how much of either.
Alright lets talk about that whole grain check. With your whole grain check you will be able to get whole grain bread, corn tortillas, whole wheat tortillas OR brown rice. So you will be getting 1 of the 4 choices. If you want to get the bread, check your AFL for your appropriate size (160z) and brand of bread allowed. If you choose brown rice, it will be any brand. The store will choose which brand you will be able to get. As for the tortillas (corn and whole wheat) make sure to check the AFL for the brands. The whole wheat tortillas may not be listed on the AFL, they will be listed in the insert that should be in your folder of new foods added March 1, 2011.
Look for the labels! Also keep in mind the stores only need to provide 1 of the 4 choices. So again if what they provide is not what you want, try to use that check at another store that may have the product you want.
Peanut butter or beans? That is the question. So your Nutritionist asked you at your WIC appointment if you want peanut butter or beans on your checks. So depending on what you chose, you will be looking for store brand chunky, crunchy, creamy or extra crunchy 18oz jar of peanut butter or any 1 lb bag or dry beans, peas or lentils. The store will have labels all the different types you can get. Refer to your AFL for help!
Not bad so far right??
Okay so what about the wonderful fruit and veggie cash voucher?! Be sure to check out the amount listed on your check and you will need to do a little bit of math! With your fruit and veggie voucher you can buy any FRESH, CANNED, or FROZEN fruits and veggies, EXCEPT white potatoes or anything with white potatoes in it. The canned items and frozen items will have the sticker labels on them, however in the produce section for the fresh items, there will not be the WIC Approved labels. Just know its any fresh fruits and veggies you want. So you think, how do I need to use math? Well.. you will need to be adding up the value of your items as you pick them. Say you have $5 to spend on the voucher... you need to pick about $5 worth of fruits or veggies, but its hard to get exactly $5 worth so we recommend you go just a little over to make sure you get to use the whole thing. Normally, your cashier will let you pay the difference in cash or food stamps. This may be a little confusing the first time, but hang in there!
This next part is only for moms who have a child under the age of one.
Formula, baby foods and cereals.
Okay you may have to hunt around for the cans of formula. They may be at the front of the store, they may be with the baby items in the aisles or they may be at the customer service counter. Again, follow the quantity allowed on your checks. If formula is something you would like to get all at once and stock up on, you can do that. Keep in mind stores are only required to carry the Similac Advance (blue can) formula and Similac Isomil Soy (red can) formula. Most stores also carry the Similac Sensitive (orange can), but may not have enough for you to buy all at once.
If your baby is 6 months or older you will be looking for baby foods and baby cereals now. These will be in the baby aisle with diapers and baby goods. The baby food brand and size will be specified on your check. This can be a little tricky so refer to the NOT ALLOWED section of the AFL and read the jar closely to be sure you are getting the right kind! The baby cereals are very easy. Either rice cereal or oatmeal, 8oz box only. These will be labeled with the WIC Approved labels too.
If your baby needs Similac Alimentum or Enfamil Nutramigen or if your child needs Pediasure be sure the check value does not exceed $125.00. The cashier or store manager can help if this is confusing.
So now your cart is full of WIC items and all the other groceries you are purchasing and you are ready to check out. Make sure you select a checkout lane that is NOT an express lane. Place your WIC items on the belt first and for an easier checkout, group your foods according to each check . Then simply lay the check on top of that particular group of food that matches the check. As your cashier scans your items, they will place a total at the bottom of your WIC check(s). ONLY AFTER they have placed the total, do you sign on the bottom line. Pre-signed checks can be stolen and used.
Place all of your other items you are purchasing behind your WIC foods. The cashier should ask for your WIC folder. When the cashier gives your folder back to you, be sure to put it in a safe place and not leave it at the store. Should you lose your WIC folder, contact your local WIC office immediately.
Now your groceries are bagged and you are ready to go!
If you have any problems or concerns please call your local WIC office for help!
-Christy Redmond
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